• Site maps

    Although websites have menus, it is often more convenient to have a site map. This provides not only links to all of the public pages on the website but also a brief description of what each page is there to do. You don't always get this from the menu itself.

    In addition to a visual site map it is also important to have a Google site map, a specially formatted file that helps Google to know what is on your website.


Site map

A site map is quick way to find your way around a website. It is also a useful thing to have as it enables search engines to crawl your site more effectively and can help to put more pages from your site into search engine results.

Home page - index.php

Website development - websites.php

Website hosting - hosting.php

Email services - email.php

Domain names - domains.php

Trading or e-commerce websites - trading.php

Website consultancy - consultancy.php

Online marketing - promote.php

Content management - cms.php


Sites we have developed - portfolio.php

Visual aids to site design - guides.php

Guide to our design/development tools - resources.php

Website programming: making sites do smarter things - unseen.php


Who we are - whowe.php

Our parent company - chgroup.php


How to contacts us - brokenwing.php

Terms and conditions - tandc.php

Privacy Policy - privacy.php

Cookies and cookies policy - cookies.php


Our blog - blogs.php

New and events - articles.php

Links - links.php